Your Ultimate Guide to Ladder Safety – Madison County Library

If you are in the middle of a job that is labor intensive or simply enjoy hanging Christmas lights, there is a good chance you’ve used ladders. Though ladders can seem like a breeze initially, there are many incidents that involve ladders every year. The truth of the matter is that not everybody is suited to climbing a ladder and there are certain situations that have a higher risk of injury than other. The safety of climbing ladders can assist you to prevent emergency room visits and personal injury lawyers. It is important that you research safe ladder techniques. In this short video, we will get some suggestions regarding how to climb safely on and off ladders.

If possible, have a companion when you climb a ladder. If you are climbing up a ladder that is very tall it is helpful to have someone who stands on the bottom of the rung will help ensure that you are balanced. It is suggested to climb with your body in a cross-body fashion. You should climb with the right arm, left leg, and the left hand. After that, you should shift your left arm and right foot. Also, you will be able to maintain your stability. You can reverse back up the ladder using the same method.
